SOON: Samsung SMART TV apps.. Mobile App Updates.. Roku & Fire TV

  • Sunday, 19th January, 2020
  • 08:59am

The ReliaStream app team is hard at work in 2020. We are currently testing radio streaming apps on the SMART TV platform. This is mainly for Samsung televisions.  With over 157 million SMART TV's sold last year we think it's time to start offering ReliaStream radio apps on this platform. The app will be similar to Roku/Fire TV but this time the streaming will be directly from your server, not through our video encoding platform.  This new feature has many benefits..


  1. Your SMART TV app will play your actual radio stream
  2. Should work very well with ad platforms using your server/ ip location
  3. Every listener should be displayed on your Centova Cast current listeners page  


Again this is currently in a testing phase. We will certainly keep you posted on the progress of our new Samsung SMART TV app  


We’re also redesigning the Mobile Apps adding some new features and also towards the end of the year, redesigning the Roku/Fire TV to also remove the video encoding and move to a similar design to the newer Samsung Smart TV model whereby it streams directly from the customers audio server.

More news on all this soon


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