Roku TV Radio App Is Here!
As of the first quarter of 2024, Roku reported a total of around 81.6 million active accounts worldwide. This figure is the company's highest active user total of all time, as the userbase increased by around 20 million in just two years. If your radio station is not on the Roku platform you are missing out!
It's a fact and it's not going away.. Broadcasters ask us all the time where should I list my radio station or where's the best place to go to get my station noticed? We will tell you apps time and time again and our Roku TV app is at the top of the list. The results have been excellent and the stats pages proove it. More and more people are using some sort of TV app or mobile device to listen to music, buy online, surf the web, and so on. In this industry you have to go where the listeners are going. Roku now has 46 million registered users. They are at the top and your station could see HUGE results on the Roku platform.
NO Set Up Fees.. NON ReliaStream Clients Welcome.. LOW Cost Monthly Fee
Roku TV Radio App Is Here!
The ReliaStream App Team will take your radio stream, the songs you are playing, the artist album art, and display them on your Roku TV Channel. This is all updated as the songs are playing.
You can interact with your listeners by using the bottom ticker feature and display realtime messages to your listeners. This is a great way to promote a new show, tell your listeners to check out your web site or Facebook page, announce a contest or prize giveaways, and so much more!
Our Roku app also gives you the opportunity to monetize your channel by displaying an advertisement (advert) on the screen! Sell advertising space, sponsorship messages, and more. If you do not need an advertisement this is a great way to promote one of your radio shows, your dj's, or something else.
Roku Apps Designed By Our Team

What Are The Steps To Get A Roku App
Once a Roku TV app is ordered and payment is received we will send you email confirming we have received your order. The ReliaStream App Team will then direct you to your new Roku app client panel (within 24 hours). There you will enter your station details and supply us with your app images. Be sure your images are high quality images, the correct size, and correct format. Once you have entered all of the correct information and images you can then submit your app. Our app team will review the informaiton and if everything is ok we submit the app to Roku. Once the app is approved we will contact you with your app links and details.
Things You Should Know Before Ordering A Roku App
Roku streaming radio apps are not your typical radio type of app. With that said here are some things you should know about the ReliaStream Roku apps. Your Roku app is not a radio app.. It's actually a TV app. Your radio station is converted from an audio feed to a TV/ video feed. After all Roku is a TV based platform so your Roku app is TV/ video based. Your radio software or radio control panel may not show your Roku listeners. This may show up as a generic or VLC listener. Again this not a radio station so you may notice Centova Cast does not show your Roku listeners as Roku in your listings. If you have intro files or a commercial as your intro file within Centova Cast or other panel these will not play before your station plays on Roku. These files are sitting on your Centova Cast (or other) server and play before your station starts so they are not part of your normal radio feed. If you advertise we suggest placing those ads within your actual radio stream not as an intro file. The ReliaStream Roku app is a you build your own app item. Once you place your order you will receive your control panel details (within 24 hours). Once you log into your panel click on the Roku box and start entering your station details. Be sure to enter descriptive details about your station. This helps potential listeners find your station. Make sure your images are high quality images. These images will appear on large tv screens so you want to use high quality images. If you need help with anything in the process let us know. Our ReliaStream app team is here to help you get your station up and running on Roku!
Roku TV App $24.95 USD Per Month Per Station